This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. The global natural catastrophe protection gap widened again in 2023, rising 5.2% to US $385 billion in premium equivalent terms, but at the same time Swiss Re reports that there are signs of...
Protection gap
This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. In a string of research reports, the World Bank Group and European Commission call on governments across Europe to utilise more in the way of disaster risk transfer and insurance to reduce the...
This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. An innovative parametric insurance product that provides protection to fund repairs following storm damage to coral reefs in Hawaii has been renewed and its coverage expanded, while global reinsurance firm Munich Re is...
This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. An innovative parametric insurance program has been taken across the globe to cover a South pacific coral reef in the Fiji archipelago, with broker WTW saying it will provide up to US $450,000...
This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. A few signs emerged at the recent January 1st 2024 reinsurance renewals that bode well for protection buyers as we move through this year and into the next, as broker Aon highlighted that...
This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. A new reinsurance fund has been launched to support delivery of innovative insurance products to protect smallholder farmers in Africa, with One Acre Fund Re expected to become a source of capacity to...
This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. New technologies can serve as a bridge between the re/insurance industry and the world’s most vulnerable, and alongside the use of insurance-linked securities (ILS) and innovative solutions such as parametrics, can help to...
This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. In a perhaps surprising turn of events, the opening hours of the COP28 climate talks today have seen a landmark agreement to operationalise and provide initial funding for the much-discussed loss and damage...
This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. Having spent time in Bermuda and attended the recent PwC Insurance Summit on the island, the equity analyst team at BMO Capital Markets has concluded that the insurance and reinsurance industry is suffering...
This content is copyright to and should not appear anywhere else, or an infringement has occurred. Delivering a speech in Canberra today, Andrew Hall, the Executive Director and CEO of the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) explained that insurance and reinsurance markets are repricing risk globally and for reinsurers,...